American Players Theatre is a professional theater located just outside Spring Green, Wisconsin. From June through November, APT produces nine plays in rotating repertory. With annual attendance of over 100,000, APT ranks as the country’s second largest outdoor theater devoted to the classics.
The site serves as a portal into the organization's history and past productions, as well as a resource for planning, researching, and purchasing tickets for upcoming productions. The design is built to be highly modular, work across devices, and load quickly. The custom calendar system integrates with the box office ticketing system to deliver the latest in show dates and ticket availability.
Built on [Craft CMS]. Design by [Art & Sons]. Development by Trapp Interactive.

Built on Craft CMS. Design by Art & Sons. Development by Trapp Interactive.

Visit the site at [americanplayers.org].
Visit the site at americanplayers.org.
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