The nonprofit organization, TNTP (The New Teacher Project), partnered with five diverse school systems, rural and urban, district and charter, to listen to students’ views on their educational experiences and observe how those experiences played out, in real time, in their classrooms. The research makes clear that gaps in students’ school experiences and outcomes are not inevitable, and different choices could make a real difference in the short term, as well as lay the groundwork for deeper structural change.
To present the research, the site uses a host of custom illustrations, animations, graphs, and interactive elements. Users are occasionally prompted to answer a question about their thoughts or experiences, which the site uses to tailor certain pieces of content. A colorful palette and bold type styles unify the overall report, ensuring that people engage with this important piece of education research.
Built on [Craft CMS]. Design by [Cricket Design Works]. Development by Trapp Interactive.

Built on Craft CMS. Design by Cricket Design Works. Development by Trapp Interactive.

Visit the site at [opportunitymyth.tntp.org].
Visit the site at opportunitymyth.tntp.org.
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Go to the next project: Farm Fresh Atlas, view all featured projects, adjust display settings, learn more about me, or get in contact.